You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.
— Desmond Tutu

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A committee composed of Mrs. Gladys Wade Dove, Mr. Thomas Moy and Mrs. Willie Fairfax conducted extensive research as far back as the 1700s. They believed that, “In order for one to set goals and know where he is going, he must first know his roots and from whence he came.” We proudly remember that committee for sharing this heritage.


In the words of Mrs. Gladys Wade Dove, “God looked over the curtain of time and picked up four seeds. He then dropped them down to this planet earth. They rooted and grew into one of the biggest trees in the forest. A tree is just a tree until it becomes a family tree. “Oh, if they could see, what we can see, you and me, in this family tree, in the story that is told and the memories that it holds.” Our family tree started from an Alford, Wade, Moy, and Johnson.


One day a handsome bluebird, Abraham Wade flew from the Wade tree nest over into the Johnson paradise and fell in love with an angel, Rose Lee Moy Johnson, daughter of Herbert and Alice Moy Johnson. They were united in holy wedlock in 1897.  The following 14 children were added as branches to their tree:


Manella Wade  (1899-1984)

Narcissus Wade

Willie Wade

Della Wade

Gertrude Wade

Larkin Wade

Alexander Wade

Emeal Wade

Alvania Wade

James Wade

Minnie B. Wade

Gladys G. Wade

Joseph Wade

Mary Lee Wade


These are the roots and foundation of this family tree. 



Rosie Lee Johnson's side of the family

Maternal Great Grandfather: Moses Moy

First and Great Grandmother: Sara Moy

They were blessed with several sons and daughters:

Moses Moy, Jr.

William Moy

Pigeon Moy

Mariah Moy Lewis

Priscilla Moy Tellis 

Lucy Moy Wade

Alice Moy Johnson.


Great Grandfather, Charles Johnson, Sr.

Great Grandmother, Caroline Johnson

Grandfather Herbert Johnson joined in holy wedlock to Grandmother Alice Moy and gave her his name Johnson.  They were blessed with ten children, seven daughters and three sons: 

Ida Johnson

Eddie Johnson

Lucy Johnson

Della Johnson

Lillie Johnson

Alice Johnson

Bessie Johnson

Titus Johnson

Ganes Johnson

Rosie Lee Johnson Wade.


Abraham Wade's Side of the family

Great Grandfather, Alex Wade

Great Grandmother, Harriet Alford Wade

These two sweet souls were blessed with two sons: Abraham Wade and Alex Wade II.

The number two son Alex II married Louisa and joined her in the Wade family.   To this couple five children were born: Abraham II (Gladys Wade Dove’s father), and Archie Wade. Two daughters and a son died at an early age. Archie Wade married Winnie Robinson and gave her the name Wade. They were blessed with one daughter, Henrietta Wade Butler.

Abe Wade, Sr. was blessed with three children, two sons, Burt and Alex Wade III; and one daughter, Malenda Wade Smith. 

Malenda Wade Smith was blessed with three sons and three daughters: Sammy Smith, Willis Smith, Abraham Smith, Icey Jane Smith Carter, Roshenna Smith Tellis, and Kacille Smith Perkins.

Alex Wade III married Nancy Summer and they lived in Walls Lake, Louisiana located in Ouachita Parish, near the city of Monroe. To this union three girls and two boys, Hattie, Mills, Laura, Silvey and Enoch were born.

Hattie the oldest and Mills the youngest child died at an early age. Silvey, Enoch and Laura lived to become grandparents. Nancy their mother died after the death of Hattie and prior to the death of Mills.

Following the death of Nancy, Alex Wade III. married Lucy Bledsoe. To this union eight boys and four girls, Lemley, Eula, Naomi, A.M., Cleveland, Bread, Guy, Crosby, Sallie, Sylvia, Frank P., and Booker T the youngest were born.

Sylvia Wade Married Elburton Moy Sr. To this union one girl, Margarite, and six boys, Victor, Elburton Jr., Pernell, Melvin, Zollie and Thomas were born. 

Margarite married George Benton. To this union one boy, George (Uncle Junior), was born.

Burt had one daughter, named Bessie Wade.



The Wade Johnson Moy Family lineage spans a little over 200 years, with 8 generations (as of 2024), dating back to the early 19th-late 18th centuries.  We are American History.