COVID SCHMOVID! Can’t nothing keep us apart… we made our first ever WJM VIRTUAL REUNION work! What a beautiful testament to the bond of our family. In case you missed it, or are feeling nostalgic, here are some highlights…


tHink about this…

Our 72nd WJM Family Reunion is history making in more ways than one.  Just the fact that we have remained together for 72 celebrations of family is indeed a blessing!

But consider that this will be our first Virtual WJM Celebration! EPIC! We are accepting and embracing where the country is in 2021 and using our love of family and access to technology to remain connected.

A true testament to “Love will keep us Together even while we are Apart.”

OUR Next Steps: 

We will begin connecting with each other by publishing our next WJM Family Reunion Newsletter in December 2021.  

 To do this we need your participation.  We know there have been so many awesome celebratory moments within the family and we want to connect and share those moments with everyone.  

 What WE Need from YOU!  

#1.  Share your family news such as:

Birth of our new family babies; marriages, graduations, start of new businesses, professional careers, educational achievements, retirements, children (movement to grade levels, activities, sports. music), and any other news you would like to share with family.

It’s simple, just send this information (Don’t forget to include your name!) to Brenda Moy Dudley bsmoy@flash.net by December 10, 2021

#2 You Can Win IT!

We are creating our first Virtual Family Reunion WJM TShirt.  This WJM TShirt will be one that our family will cherish for years to come.  You can Win It by participating in Naming the Family members in the WJM First Family Reunion picture that is featured on OUR HISTORY page.

So, start calling and connecting with family members; so you can WIN IT.  More information to follow.




